Introducing Jacked
Key Features
- Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanning
- Tailored Configuration
- Diggity Integration
- Flexible Output Formats
Vulnerability Data Sources
Utilize Jacked in combination with Jenkins, Azure and GitHub plugins.
- Image, Tar, and Directory Scanning
- Severity Fail Criteria
- Ignore CVEs and Package Names
- Skip Build Fail and Database Update

Supported Installation OS
Installation Guide
$ git clone
$ go install
curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -d /usr/local/bin
curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -d -v
brew tap carbonetes/jacked
brew install jacked
scoop bucket add jacked
scoop install jacked
Useful Commands and Flags
jacked [command] [flag]
SubCommand | Description |
config | Display the current configurations |
db | Display the database information |
version | Display Build Version Information of Jacked |
Available Commands and their flags with description:
jacked [flag]
Root Flags | Description |
--sbom string | Input sbom file from diggity to scan (Only read from json file) |
-d --dir string | Read directly from a path on disk (any directory) (e.g. 'jacked path/to/dir)' |
-t --tar string | Read a tarball from a path on disk for archives created from docker save (e.g. 'jacked path/to/image.tar)' |
--disable-file-listing | Disables file listing from package metadata (default false) |
--enabled-parsers stringArray | Specify enabled parsers ([apk debian java npm composer python gem rpm dart nuget go]) (default all) |
-l --licenses | Enable scanning for package licenses |
-o --output string | Show scan results in "table", "json", "cyclonedx-json", "cyclonedx-xml", "spdx-json", "spdx-xml", "spdx-tag-value" format (default "table") |
--registry-uri string | Registry uri endpoint (default "") |
--registry-token string | Access token for private registry access |
--registry-username string | Username credential for private registry access |
--registry-password string | Password credential for private registry access |
--secret-exclude-filenames stringArray | Exclude secret searching for each specified filenames |
--secret-max-file-size in | Maximum file size that the secret will search -- each file (default 10485760) |
-v --version | Print application version |
--ignore-package-names | Specify package names to be whitelisted on the result |
--ignore-vuln-cves | Specify CVEs to be whitelisted on the result |
jacked config [flag]
Config Flags | Description |
-d --display | Display the content of the configuration file |
-h --help | Help for configuration |
-p --path | Display the path of the configuration file |
-r --reset | Restore default configuration file |
jacked db [flag]
Database Flags | Description |
-i --info | Print database metadata information |
-v --version | Print database current version |
jacked version [flag] [string]
Version Flags | Description |
-f --format | Print application version format (json, text) (default "text") |